What is cold calls now and is it worth trusting this method of marketing?


Surprisingly, the fact is that in an era of rapid development of digital communications of the most inconceivable speeds and forms of data transfer, the phone call is still an indispensable method of communication. And what’s more, the technology is in demand for sales. And even more surprising results show that compared to the aggressive electronic services that are actively promoted on social networks, a regular phone call retains its value.

A detailed answer to what is cold calls today is in the experts’ publication Reply. However, we’ll tell you more about it right now. And this data is likely to be of curiosity to merchants who are active in e-commerce:

  • the desire to hear a person’s voice on the phone explaining the benefits of a purchase;
  • the desire to prompt the business on the direction of its development and expansion of the range, the formation of product properties;
  • the need to make the first step for startups, when a business making the first steps, gets the most profit, thanks to cold calls, rather than other types of advertising.

Let’s talk about this in more detail.

They want to hear a person’s voice

According to various measurements of sociology and consumer surveys, more than 50% of potential buyers would like to be contacted directly. And it was the phone call that was used as a method of communication. This statistic is true for those potential customers who make business decisions or are ready to buy a product or order a service.

Consumers are eager to communicate how they see the product or service

More than 70% of buyers or customers of products say they would like to share in more detail how they see the updated product or service. They would be willing to share this information if they were called and asked about it. But most valuable of all, these same respondents say that if there were any options for further communication, they wouldn’t mind ordering the product.

Startups make their way to consumers through cold calls

Startups can get their initial impetus for growth precisely through cold calls. About 50% of startups can gain access to new customers through calling potential leads. And this is the only option that works. And this is mostly characteristic of a startup business that unlocks its potential and is ready to offer a completely new approach to goods and services. The results are somewhat lower for businesses that already have experience in the market.