Navigating regulatory changes in open banking: a guide for businesses on staying compliant with evolving open banking regulations


Open banking is transforming the financial landscape, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and customer service improvement. However, this transformation is accompanied by a rapidly evolving regulatory environment that businesses must navigate carefully to remain compliant. This blog post aims to provide businesses with insights into staying ahead of regulatory changes in open banking, focusing on areas often overlooked in broader discussions.

Understanding the open banking regulatory framework

Open banking regulations aim to promote competition, enhance consumer choice, and foster innovation in the financial sector. These regulations mandate that banks share customer data with third-party providers (tpps) upon customer consent, under secure and standardized conditions.

Global landscape: the regulatory framework for open banking varies by region, with the european union’s psd2 (payment services directive 2) and the uk’s open banking standard being among the most advanced. Other regions, including australia, canada, and parts of asia and latin america, are also developing their open banking regulations.

Staying compliant amidst evolving regulations

Continuous monitoring and adaptation: regulatory requirements for open banking are subject to change as the ecosystem evolves. Businesses must establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring of regulatory developments and adapt their practices accordingly.

Engagement with regulators: proactive engagement with regulators can provide businesses with deeper insights into regulatory intentions and upcoming changes. Participating in industry forums and consultations can also offer opportunities to influence regulatory developments.

Leveraging technology for compliance

Regtech solutions: regulatory technology (regtech) solutions can play a crucial role in helping businesses navigate open banking regulations. These technologies can automate compliance processes, monitor transactions for regulatory adherence, and generate reports for regulatory submissions.

Innovative use cases: for instance, some regtech platforms use artificial intelligence to analyze regulatory texts and provide actionable insights, helping businesses quickly adjust their compliance strategies to new requirements.

Data privacy and security considerations

Beyond open banking regulations: while open banking regulations primarily focus on data sharing and third-party access, businesses must also navigate broader data protection regulations such as the gdpr in europe. Ensuring customer data privacy and security is paramount, requiring robust data governance and cybersecurity measures.

Privacy-by-design: adopting a privacy-by-design approach, where data protection is integrated into the development of business processes and systems, can help businesses meet both open banking and general data protection requirements.

Building trust with transparency

Clear communication with customers: transparency in how customer data is used and shared in the open banking ecosystem is crucial for building trust. Businesses should provide clear, accessible information on their data practices and how they protect customer rights under open banking regulations.

Consent management: effective consent management processes that allow customers to easily grant, review, and revoke their consent for data sharing are essential. This not only ensures compliance but also empowers customers, enhancing their trust in open banking services.

Preparing for the future

Scenario planning: the future of open banking regulations remains uncertain, with potential expansions in scope and new requirements likely as the ecosystem matures. Businesses should engage in scenario planning, considering various future regulatory landscapes and preparing for different compliance challenges.

Cross-border considerations: for businesses operating internationally, understanding and preparing for cross-border regulatory differences in open banking is critical. Developing a flexible compliance framework that can accommodate diverse regulatory requirements can offer a competitive advantage.


Navigating the evolving regulatory landscape of open banking requires businesses to stay informed, leverage technology, ensure data privacy and security, and maintain transparency with customers. By adopting a proactive and adaptable approach to compliance, businesses can not only meet regulatory requirements but also seize the opportunities presented by open banking to innovate and grow. As regulations continue to develop, staying ahead will be crucial for businesses looking to thrive in the open banking ecosystem.